Guilty Confessions


Navigating Guilt as a Working Mom 

As a working mom, the juggle between career and family can often feel like a high-wire act without a safety net. The constant tug-of-war between professional obligations and the desire to be present for our children can leave us feeling torn and, at times, overwhelmed. Throughout my week, I am often struggling and working through a wide range of emotions when it comes to my crazy, wild family. In the midst of this delicate balancing act, one emotion tends to rear its head more often than we’d like to admit though: guilt.  

Guilt, that persistent companion of motherhood, has a way of creeping in when we least expect it. It whispers in our ears as we kiss our little ones goodbye in the morning, reminding us of all the moments we might miss while we’re away at work. It nags at us when we have to stay late at the office or travel for business, tugging at our hearts with each mile that separates us from our children. It lingers in the background during important meetings or deadlines, a constant reminder that our attention is divided, our focus split between two worlds. It’s a never-ending pull on the back of our t-shirts that often keeps us from staying focused on the task at hand. 

Many Faces of Guilt

The guilt of being a working mom is a complex and multifaceted emotion. It’s the guilt of not being there for every school field trip, every doctor’s appointment, every milestone moment. It’s the guilt of relying on others to care for our children while we pursue our careers, the nagging doubt that we should be able to do it all, be it all, without compromise. It’s the guilt of feeling like we’re never quite doing enough, never quite measuring up to the impossible standards we set for ourselves. We are constantly bombarded on social media and in the news with these perfect moms and families that have it together, but they don’t. Their highlight reels are not their daily lives and we so often forget that it isn’t just pictures that are photoshopped, it’s the stories and the moments that are often edited as well.  

But here’s the truth that we often forget in the midst of our guilt: we are doing enough. More than enough, in fact. As working moms, we are models of strength, resilience, and determination for our children. We show them what it means to pursue our passions, to work hard, to strive for excellence. We teach them the value of independence, of perseverance, of grit in the face of adversity. And most importantly, we show them that love knows no bounds and that our presence in their lives is not defined by the number of hours we spend with them but by the depth of our connection and the quality of our moments together. 

So, the next time guilt comes knocking at your door, remember this: you are a superhero in disguise, a warrior in heels or work boots, a force to be reckoned with. Your love for your children knows no bounds, your dedication to your career knows no limits. You are doing the best you can with the resources you have, the time you’re given, and the energy you possess. And that, my dear working mom, is more than enough. You are more than enough. 

Embrace the chaos, the messiness, the imperfection of it all. Let go of the guilt that weighs you down, the doubts that haunt your thoughts. Trust in your strength, your resilience, and your unwavering love for your children. You are enough, just as you are, in all your working mom glory. And that is something to be celebrated, not guilted over. 


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