Women – The Incredible Shape Shifters and Original Superheroes

If you could have any super power, what would you choose? The ability to fly? Be invisible? Super speed? It’s a question we all have thought about as we have been immersed in the world of DC and Marvel for the past decade. The superheroes we see are incredible. Saving the world from destruction by aliens. Beating all the bad guys up and saving Gotham. Restoring order to a chaotic world consumed by war. But, what defines a super hero? Their ability to save the world? Their ability to create peace in a world of chaos? If that’s the case, then I’m a superhero too.


My Child- I Love You, but I DO NOT Like You Right Now 1


Sure, I haven’t ever saved the world from destruction or created peace across the nation but, I have saved a little girl’s blanket from becoming destroyed by the dog and I have created peace across the dinner table. As women and moms, we are so often busy with our daily lives. Between work and child-rearing, we barely have enough time to take a shower and kiss our significant others before the fatigue takes over and we crash. In the midst of our daily lives, we are made to feel that everything we do is part of the job and we lose sight of how incredible we are as mothers and simply as human beings.

Here are just a few of the MANY superpowers we possess.

Super Speed: I’m not sure that anyone is aware of how much moms can get accomplished during the day. I often don’t even realize how much I’ve gotten done but in the morning hours alone. I can feed a child breakfast, pack a lunch, brush a knotted head, fight about what clothes my child must wear, get dressed myself, put makeup on, slam down some coffee, sit in the car line at school and still make it to my job on time. I would definitely call that super speed.

Super Strength: I have had children with medication and without medication and had them naturally. I can push 100lbs of people on a stroller/sled through a Disney theme park while also carrying a child on my back. I can also face adversity with power, and I have been through some incredibly difficult situations that have only made me stronger on the other side. Super strength is definitely one I’ve got in the bag.

Shape Shifting: I’m sure there’s a photo or two on my site and social media pages of me being pregnant. I have grown in sizes and lost sizes many times. I have been over 200lbs at times and am currently at my lowest at 142. I have ebbed and flowed with my hair, my body, my face. I can go from exhausted and haggard looking to camera-ready in about an hour albeit still exhausted. Moms can quickly mold our looks into whatever is required, and I feel like shape-shifting is officially a secret talent that I never knew I could possess.

Healing Powers: Not only because of my “real job” but because I’m the best mother to my children, I possess the ability to heal. I can heal my children’s “boo boos” with kisses and cuddles, I can comfort my preteen through an emotional meltdown and I can even reinstate joy and happiness into sad situations just by listening, hearing and understanding. Moms have an incredible gift to heal by being present. I never knew the power in that until I had kids or how important it would be to provide that to them.

Moms don’t realize what they are truly capable of. I am often the selfless, problem-solving, sacrifice-making woman for all those I love, and sometimes… It’s too much. Every time I start to think I am finally getting it right, I start to meltdown and immediately do “it” wrong. It can be the most rewarding and challenging role for anyone and most of the time I can feel completely overwhelmed but I’m here, with this blog to remind you.

You are so capable. You are so incredible. You are a superhero! With or without a cape.
I know it, you know it, and most importantly your kids know it! So make a fresh cup of coffee, put on your cape, and do the damn thing. Or don’t!!! No judgment from me either way!


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