Please Let Me Sleep

please let me sleep

Benefits of Sleep for Moms

Sleeping is one of the most important body regulations we experience and is necessary to keep our mind and body healthy. We all know that we feel better when we get good quality, restful sleep but what does sleep really impact? What’s better, quality sleep or quantity of sleep? How can we get more of it? These are all things we will discuss as we learn more about the important of sleep and how it can impact everything from your thoughts to your basic functions.

Sleep is often something we feel that we never get enough of. At least I feel this way. In the midst of the morning chaos of packing lunches and catching school buses, to the evening shenanigans of bedtime stories and bath time, sleep often isn’t something we make enough time for. For most adults, we need at least 7 hours or more of good quality sleep on a regular schedule. That means creating a routine is necessary to getting that incredible shut eye that is so invaluable. Before we get into the specifics of a routine, lets talk about the benefits that enough hours of good quality sleep can provide.

Restored Energy Levels

Parenting never stops. I constantly feel like every time I’m about to have a break or moment to myself, something happens that demands my full attention. It is constant chaos and requires a full tank to continue to handle all of the days challenges. It’s important to get hours of good quality sleep to help replenish your energy and allow your body to recharge.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Did you know that sleep plays a pivotal role in cognitive functions? That includes everything from problem-solving, memory retention and decision-making… or the things that make us MOMS! Good sleep allows us to efficiently participate in the daily lives of our children so that we can continue to help them manage their own thoughts, emotions and find that darn stuffy they misplaced.

Boosts your Immune System

As a physician, I am always doing my best to keep my family happy and healthy. I can’t do that if I’m sick or feeling deficient. Sleep is like a magic potion for healing your body. Without rest, your body can’t produce immune-boosting cells that fight off the funk your children bring home from the playground.

Improved Emotional Stability,

I joke with my husband all the time that I’m about two hours from completely crashing down. Any time I start to completely lose it and get irrationally emotional, he ask “Would you like to go lay down?”. Super annoying if I’m really mad about something serious, but most of the time, the answer is yes. Lack of sleep can cause impatience, anxiety and irritability that can often overwhelm us. Hormones are much more balanced when we are getting regular sleep and are less impacted by stress. My children are enough of a hormonal rollercoaster. They don’t need my chaos added to the mix and neither do I.

Stress and Weight Management

So we’ve already brought up hormones, but lets talk about this a little more in depth. Hormones play a significant role in the management of your body functions. Chronic sleep deprivation exacerbates stress which will increase cortisol levels whereas, a good restful night of sleep will reduce cortisol levels. This imbalance in hormones can cause cortisol levels to become higher therefore, causing weight retention and bloating. It can also disrupt hormones specific to managing your hunger cycles and therefore lead to cravings that can cause weight gain.

These are just a few of the essential reasons why sleep is so important. Prioritizing sleep isn’t selfish, it’s an essential step towards becoming the best parent you can be. So, how do we get it? Sure, my kids sleep through the night but then that’s my only time to get things done. It may be that it’s your only time to spend with your spouse without interruptions. Trust me, I get it. Between running to soccer practice, making dinner, finishing homework, trying to finish a conversation with my husband, bath time and snacks for littles, to then picking up from practice, there is never enough time. So, I make it. Here’s how..

  1. I Start Backwards: I wake up at 6am. It’s not optional for me. If I want to get a workout in before I take my daughter to the school bus, I have to. Some days, I sneak in an extra 30 minutes of sleep but 90% of the time. My feet are on the floor at 6am.
  2. Be Body Aware: I know that for me to effectively have a good day, I need 8 hours of sleep. I’ve never been able to get by with less for longer than two days. It just doesn’t work for me. Pay attention to how you feel and figure out where your happy place is.
  3. Do a Little Math: I know that I must be asleep by 10pm if I stand a chance of having a great day tomorrow. So that’s what I do. I put anything and everything else around me down by 9:30pm. It’s not optional and it’s become such a big part of my routine that my husband will go, “OK, I guess it’s bedtime”. I know he started that to make fun of me but he’s been getting more sleep too so he shouldn’t be complaining.
  4. Work everything else around it: YES, I mean that!! Everything. My kids schedules had to adjust because the current one didn’t work and I wasn’t getting enough rest. My kids have to play with each other after dinner because I’m not waiting until they’re in bed to clean my kitchen. I have managed to move everything to a schedule that benefits me while also working for them. That’s not selfish, that’s self-care and as the main caregiver in my family, I have to have something in my cup to be able to fill theirs.
  5. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Consuming these substances close to bedtime impact the quality of sleep and often don’t allow you to reach full REM cycles. Caffeine specifically can also impact your energy levels and prevent you from relaxing as well.
  6. Supplement If Needed: Although this is never ideal, it may be necessary if you struggle with certain issues like anxiety, overthinking, melatonin imbalance, pain, etc. There are many supplements that can help for a variety of ailments such as CBD, L-Theanine, Melatonin, Ashwagandha, Valerian Root, Magnesium and so many more. Please talk to your holistic provider about what options would best benefit you and bring up any sleep concerns or issues you may have.

There have been lots of studies done on sleep and they all have led us to the understanding that both sleep quality and quantity are important. The amount of hours of quality sleep you need can depend on activity level, genetics, age and many other factors so it’s important to know yourself and how you feel. The ideal scenario is to achieve balance and have increased health, cognitive functions, emotional wellbeing, and physical performance. As moms, we are the busiest most important people in our households (sorry dads) and its important to make yourself a priority. Trust me, your children will thank you!


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