Essential Tips for Surviving Travel With Kids

Silhouette of young family and airplane

Essential Tips for Surviving Travel with Children 

Traveling with kids can be both exhilarating and challenging. From navigating airports to keeping little ones entertained during long journeys, family travel requires careful planning and consideration. However, with the right strategies in place, it can also be an enriching experience that creates lasting memories for everyone involved. Our family of five traveled for the first time together on a plane to Texas for a soccer tournament, and these are some of the tips we put together along the way. Some of these are things we did, and some are things we didn’t think about until it was too late, but we definitely learned a lot. Here is the list below and we are hoping our pitfalls will help make your travel smoother and more enjoyable in the future. 

  1. Plan Ahead: Planning is key when traveling with kids. Research your destination thoroughly and make sure to consider factors such as weather, local attractions, and family-friendly accommodations. Create a flexible itinerary that allows for downtime and spontaneous adventures while ensuring you don’t miss out on must-see sights and activities. We knew we wanted to do a couple of short (<90 minute) road trips around Dallas but knew we needed to sprinkle in a day or two of relaxing fun for the littles who are 4 and 6. We chose to enjoy a great arcade in the Dallas area that they loved so much that we actually went to it 3 times in the 5 days we were there…. Thanks, rainy season in Dallas!!
  2. Pack Wisely: Packing light is a challenge when you have kids in tow, but it’s essential for a stress-free journey. However, we packed too light! We anticipated it to be a hassle to include a checked bag but we knew as soon as we got to Dallas that carrying everyone’s stuff on the airplane was the WORST decision ever! Having one family-checked bag on the way bag was incredibly helpful.
    Make a list of essentials and stick to it, prioritizing items such as snacks, entertainment, and comfort items like favorite toys or blankets for the plane ride, but pack the toiletries and clothes in a checked bag to limit the amount of extras you’re dragging around on the plane.
  3. Keep Them Entertained: Long flights and car rides can be tedious for kids, so it’s important to have plenty of entertainment options on hand. Pack a variety of activities, such as coloring books, puzzles, and travel-friendly games, to keep little ones occupied. Don’t forget to load up on digital entertainment, too; we used iPads and saved their favorite shows on them. We forgot to bring cards with us, which would’ve helped a lot. We had small little footballs we played with inside when the weather was bad but cards would’ve been much more appropriate and better received in the lobby of a hotel. My littles love playing War and we often use the cards and work on adding the numbers. Whoever has the highest number wins the hand. Feel free to make up whatever games you need to!
  4. Embrace Snack Time: Hungry kids are cranky kids, so be sure to pack a plentiful supply of snacks to keep hunger at bay. We arrived at the airport early, knowing that they would want to eat as soon as they saw a Chikfila. We had packed snacks that were easy for the plane as well, such as apples, peanut butter crackers, and, of course, some of their favorite candies. Bribery goes a long way in our household so I reminded them how well they were doing and told them I was so proud of them while I handed them a few Swedish Fish. Felt a bit Pavlovian but whatever I could do to ease the 3-hour flight was what I was going to do. 
  5. Be Flexible: Despite your best-laid plans, things don’t always go as expected when traveling with kids. Be prepared to roll with the punches and embrace the unexpected, whether it’s a sudden rainstorm or a toddler’s meltdown in the middle of a crowded hotel lobby. Thankfully we didn’t have any meltdowns but no matter how many times we peed before the flight, they both HADDDDDD to pee 10 minutes after we boarded. Instead of getting upset, I just communicated the challenges we were about to face and how we all needed to be kind and listen well, and it worked out incredibly well with both of them. Flexibility is key to keeping stress levels in check and ensuring that everyone has a good time, no matter what curveballs are thrown your way.
  6. Prioritize Safety: Safety should always be a top priority when traveling with kids. Make sure to talk to your child about the different issues that could arise and how you want to best handle them. My daughter turned 13 on the trip, and if you know anything about her, you know that she knows everything and nothing bad will ever happen to her… duh?! So, with her, I’ve learned to put it on the other people around her. I consistently remind her that I trust her to make good decisions and to be safe (which I don’t always but that is not the point), but there are a lot of people we don’t know and lots of people who don’t care if she’s safe so I have to do my job and protect her. She’s typically filled with less teen angst when I approach it this way. 
  7. Involve Them in the Planning Process: Get kids excited about the trip by involving them in the planning process. Let them help choose activities and attractions they’d like to visit and encourage them to research the destination with you. Giving kids a sense of ownership over the trip can help foster enthusiasm and anticipation, making for a more enjoyable experience for the whole family. We always let our kids each have a portion of the day to do what they want to do. I wanted to go to Waco and check out Magnolia Market (so worth it!), my little kids wanted to play at an arcade or park, my husband wanted to eat barbecue, and my oldest wanted to hang out with her friends without me. BAM!! Accomplished it all and everyone felt like they were of importance on a trip that was really designed as a soccer tournament!
  8. Take Advantage of Kid-Friendly Amenities: Many hotels and resorts offer amenities specifically designed to cater to families, such as children’s clubs, pools with water slides, and babysitting services. Our hotel had a fantastic pool, and we tried our best to take advantage of it when the weather was decent, but it did make it challenging. We sought out some great local restaurants and places, though, where our kids could relax and hang out and just exist without being stuck sitting still or at a table with an iPad. My kids specifically love a green space and a ball, so they were easy to please when the rain would finally stop.
  9. Build in Downtime: Traveling can be exhausting, especially for young children. Make sure to build plenty of downtime into your itinerary to allow kids (and parents!) to rest and recharge. We are big afternoon rest people as it helps break up the day and allows all of us to take a moment to relax and recharge. It also allowed our children to slow down and regulate where they were at and how they were feeling. Often, when children get overwhelmed, they break down but don’t really know how to articulate what they feel, so we tried to ask and be aware prior to the breakdown, which really helped alleviate any unnecessary tears and tantrums from both kids and adults. 
  10. Document the Memories: Finally, don’t forget to document your family adventures along the way. Take plenty of photos and videos to capture special moments, and encourage kids to keep a travel journal or scrapbook to document their own memories. Looking back on these mementos years down the road will bring a smile to your face and remind you of the incredible experiences you shared as a family. Don’t be afraid to make your husband take photos with you and of you as well. I love having photos of myself with my children as well especially candid’s. 

Extra Planning and Extra Patience

In conclusion, traveling with kids may require extra planning and patience, but the rewards far outweigh the challenges.. Ok, that’s not always true but it can be! By following these essential tips and embracing the adventure with an open mind, you can create unforgettable family memories that will last a lifetime. So pack your bags, round up the kids, and get ready for the journey of a lifetime or at least a few days on the road! 



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