About Me

Is there anything I can do to end this

Welcome to Dr.Mom Life! I’m Steffani Corey. I’m a mother, wife, alternative primary care physician, acupuncturist and herbalist from the Tampa Bay Area. I am board certified in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Biomedicine and Chinese Herbology. I am the owner of a medical clinic that sees thousands of patients annually. I am on the Florida Board of Acupuncture as the Vice Chair. I am the leader of networking groups and business associations, of soccer teams and local community groups… and I am tired!

I am often overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated. I struggle with feeling like I do enough, that I am enough and that what I want and need matters. I can sit here and count the accomplishments and still struggle to be proud because there is more to be done. This is who I am and who I feel that most mothers are. We are complex humans with a wide range of emotions, that may vary from moment to moment, and we are not alone.

My journey really began the moment I found out I was going to be a mom. I was terrified and scared as I was only 18 and had all these plans that I felt like were turning to dust in my hands. I still went away to college with the idea that I was going to follow through and stay at a big university for 4 years which lasted only a few months in, because I found out my daughter was going to be born with gastroschisis.

I came home from college completely distraught. I was not only going to be a teen mom, but I was going to have to live in a hospital while my daughter fought for her life due to this rare diagnosis.

I gave birth to my daughter on a Wednesday, she had 3 surgeries over a 4 day period of time and I began nursing school on Monday. I was living at the hospital for the first two months, going from pediatric room and mom, to nursing home and student nurse.

I soon realized in nursing school that most patients are overmedicated, treating symptoms not diseases, and not active participants in their own wellbeing. Healthcare was not individualized anymore and I couldn’t continue to just hand out prescription medication.

It was a rude awakening for me. I immediately realized that I had to make a change and I dropped out of nursing school and was accepted into an alternative medical school that fall, where I truly began to nourish my love of medicine, both western and eastern. I was able to treat patients that not only felt better but were able to get healthier too. I saw changes on MRIs and ultrasounds, bloodwork and pregnancy tests. I immediately realized I had found my calling. I would spend my life helping those around me get healthy and live their best lives for themselves and their families through utilizing holistic, natural medicine and thousand-year-old treatments combined with western diagnostic methods.

For the next 7 years, I continued to strive forward. I was helping hundreds of patient and families get healthy and well. Accomplish their dreams of having families. Get rid of chronic ailments and diseases. It was incredibly rewarding. So then, my list of requirements for success changed. I got married, check. I had two more children, check. I bought the big house with the nice pool, check. But guess what? I was still unhappy and it wasn’t until the eve of my 30thbirthday that I realized I had spent my entire 20’s checking things off of an obscure, never ending list and that I didn’t even know what actually made me happy. It was shocking, then upsetting, then maddening. I couldn’t believe I had spent over a decade trying to prove myself to….. MYSELF!! I was finally going to make the change. I would finally decide at 30 that I was enough. That I am enough.

Today, I am here to combine my knowledge of alternative medicine, motherhood, holistic health and natural alternatives so that I can help you and your family. It’s so important to be balanced, healthy and living an authentic life that gives you and your family joy. I want to help guide you on a journey to mental, physical and emotional wellbeing that will be sprinkled with lots of truth and family stories that I help will relate to you and yours.

In sickness and in health,

Dr. Steffani Corey, DOM AP

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